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January 28, 2004



please do fill me in then, Frank, on the wisdom of legalisation...

I really fail to see it...

I don't see the government banning alcohol but then i don't see people mugging, stealing, stabbing etc, for a pint.

Nor do i see the destructive powers of alcohol directly to the youth of many parts of Dublin City nor do I expect it to.

I understand the libertarian theory (of which Im occasionally fond) would tend to allow anyone to be responsible for any decision taken within the confines of their own being, but I really dont think many of the people (and families) affected by the hardcore drug epidemic made such logical decisions in the first place.

Frank McGahon

please do fill me in then, Frank, on the wisdom of legalisation...

I thought I'd made it pretty clear above, but another way of looking at it is: Fill me in on the wisdom of prohibition. That is, after all, the status quo. What has the war on drugs achieved?

I don't see the government banning alcohol but then i don't see people mugging, stealing, stabbing etc, for a pint.

You obviously haven't spent much time in Dundalk then! :-)

Nor do i see the destructive powers of alcohol directly to the youth of many parts of Dublin City nor do I expect it to.

Open your eyes Ciaran. Alcohol is a very dangerous drug.

In any case the point is: People will always take drugs, that's not going to change, with or without prohibition. The question is not whether people should take drugs but whether people should be punished for taking drugs.

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