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May 31, 2004


Abiola Lapite

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I find the reasoning of some of the other commenters on there ... strange. What's so hard about acknowledging that any private association ought to have the freedom to choose its own members? It would seem to me at least that the notion of "equality" is trivially satified here, in so far as women are equally at liberty to form their own golf clubs that exclude men.
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Frank McGahon

You know, what annoys me most about these discussions - and you see the same thing with the arguments about banning hunting - is the absolute refusal to recognise coercion and heavyhanded treatment when it is meted out to people of whom one doesn't approve. Those dastardly male-only golfers don't deserve the "privilege" of selling each other alcohol because they are "gynophobic", "little men". I am at a loss to identify the principle being upheld here unless it is that private leisure activities ought to be restricted to those approved by the government.

Dick O'Brien

Abiola, it's not about freedom to choose members, but rather about the fact that we shouldn't reward discrimination. Nothing to stop people having an all-male or all-female club.

Frank, as for hunting, I'm all in favour of it as long as I can hunt hunters with a big pack of dogs. Fair's fair after all.

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