Perusing the Architects' Journal earlier I note that Sol Campbell's new house - designed by architect Richard Reid - has garage space for "only" 5 from the erstwhile Arsenal defender's dozen strong collection of Routemaster buses. I can understand football players collecting cars, most tend to have at least one Range Rover, Mercedes Benz saloon and a Ferrari or Aston Martin for use depending on the occasion. But a fleet of identical buses?
Who knew Sol Campbell was a glorified trainspotter? As they say in the Land of Otakus, オタク臭い - this reeks of otaku-ness.
Posted by: Abiola | July 28, 2006 at 02:09 PM
Indeed. Turns out Sol Campbell is a lot stranger than we thought...
Posted by: Frank McGahon | July 28, 2006 at 02:27 PM